iQ700 Built-in oven with steam function 60 x 60 cm BlackHS736G3B1
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iQ700 Built-in oven with steam function 60 x 60 cm BlackHS736G3B1
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Technical Overview
595x594x548 mm
User interface
TFT touchdisplay
Integrated Cleaning system
Steam technology
Multipoint meatprobe with time prediction
Pull-out system
Plug type
Gardy plug w/ earthing
Connected appliances with Home Connect
Special Features
– Fast and healthy steam-cooking.
– Excellent results, whatever the recipe or circumstances.
– Perfect roasting results.
flexible choice of shelf.
reach the required baking temperature sooner; coolStart
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iQ700 Built-in oven with steam function 60 x 60 cm BlackHS736G3B1
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