Bean to cup coffee machine EQ700 classic Morning haze, Removable water tankTP705GB1
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Bean to cup coffee machine EQ700 classic Morning haze, Removable water tankTP705GB1
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Technical Overview
380x309x467 mm
Volume water tank
2.4 l
Number bean container
Capacity of fresh bean container
350 g
Cup heater
Not applicable
Milk system
Integrated milk system with hose
List of milk-beverages that can be obtained with the press of one button without moving the cup
Cappuccino, Flat White, Latte Macchiato, white coffee
Home Connect Footnote 1: Some of the features displayed can be accessed only if the device is connected to a Home Connect Account and a SingleKey ID account via the Internet. Home Connect is a service of Home Connect GmbH. For more information on Home Connect, visit
Special Features
– iSelect Display.
The perfect combination of functionality and aesthetics thanks to Siemens design.
- aromaSelect.
Fully automatic steam cleaning and optimal hygiene thanks to autoMilk Clean.
- Siemens coffeeWorld.
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Bean to cup coffee machine EQ700 classic Morning haze, Removable water tankTP705GB1
Recommended retail price
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