Fully Automatic Coffee Machine EQ700 integral Stainless steel, Removable water tankTQ713R03
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Fully Automatic Coffee Machine EQ700 integral Stainless steel, Removable water tankTQ713R03
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Technical Overview
380x352x467 mm
Volume water tank
2.4 l
Number bean container
Capacity of fresh bean container
320 g
Cup warmer
Not applicable
Milk System
Separate Milk Container
List of milk-beverages that can be obtained with the press of one button without moving the cup
Cappuccino, Flat White, Latte Macchiato, white coffee
Connected appliances with Home Connect
Special Features
The gently prepared Slow Brew combines relaxation with full-bodied enjoyment.
Cold-brewed for a refreshing, unparalleled taste experience
Siemens coffeeWorld, explore the huge variety of international coffee specialities with one swipe.
- aromaSelect.
Fully automatic steam cleaning and optimal hygiene thanks to autoMilk Clean.
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Fully Automatic Coffee Machine EQ700 integral Stainless steel, Removable water tankTQ713R03
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