iQ500 Freestanding Freezer 186 x 60 cm Brushed black steel anti-fingerprintGS36NAXEP
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iQ500 Freestanding Freezer 186 x 60 cm Brushed black steel anti-fingerprintGS36NAXEP
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Technical Overview
Brushed black steel anti-fingerprint
Dimensions of the product with handle
1860 x 600 x 690 mm
Door handle type
vertical bar handle
Door opening
Right reversible
Special Features
– Never defrost your freezer again.
Intelligent Inverter Compressor provides better temperature control and efficient performance.
- varioZone.
Consistent cooling for longer freshness.
set the target temperature clearly and easily.
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iQ500 Freestanding Freezer 186 x 60 cm Brushed black steel anti-fingerprintGS36NAXEP
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