As we look to enjoy hotter summers, the wonderful British weather gives us many moments to enjoy our outdoor spaces. We have been in some ways forced to spend more time at home during the current climate. It has allowed us to focus on what it means to enjoy our home spaces and how we can make the most of them. Siemens explores bringing your kitchen outside and how you can enjoy many times of the day in your green space...

open plan kitchen
Let your garden become your canvas inside your home

The kitchen

We are not talking about physically putting your Siemens kitchen in the garden, but there are many ways to make the garden to your kitchen more seamless. If you benefit from the luxury of having your kitchen backed onto your garden, you hold the perfect opportunity to bring your garden inside. Bi-folding doors have been an ongoing trend over the past 10 years but now we are finding more uses to make the most out of these modern pieces of technology and design.

The flush finish of your inside space to your garden already captivates a sense that you are outside when you have opened up the doors. There are many important factors to consider when designing your space.


Whether we are enjoying a Sunday paper and cup of tea or entertaining guests on a summer’s night, we want to enjoy the beauty of our outdoor space. Natural light is one of nature’s best relaxation tool. Its beauty and fresh air is certainly something to enjoy. With that in mind, have your dining table closer to your doors. This allows you to make the most of having that feeling that you are outside.


Open plan is a really functional and modern way to have a home that feels seamless and for everybody to stay in tune with one another. Use counters and islands to create divides in your home so it has a finished quality and a flow. Face sinks against windows and give yourself a work space where people can join in if you are cooking together or at least so you can join in the conversations without having to have your back to your guests.


When you hear the word conservatory many of us think ‘hot in the summer, cold in the winter’. In many cases this is true, but modern technology has allowed us to enjoy these spaces all year round. Whether you go for a triple glazed roof, or diagonalised window panes, do not under estimate the power of a conservatory. These rooms can be a wonder to sit in. See the birds and insects enjoying your garden or watch the sunset go by. This again is another perfect place to entertain your guests or enjoy a much deserved meal with your family.

Outddor garden funiture
Bring touches of your garden into your home

Making the most of your garden

Like any room in your home, your outdoor space should be finished with colours, accessories and furnishings. This will elevate your space to new heights making for a more relaxing environment that you can enjoy.

The classic British weather

The often discussed British weather is a complicated mix of seasonal delights. Our summers, for many, feel short and underwhelming, but in between the beautiful sunny days there are ways for us to enjoy the days of brisk winds and hazy skies. As the famous saying goes ‘There is no such thing as bad weather, just bad preparation’. With this is mind, ready your garden for wind, rain or cold weather with parasols, garden sails, gazebos, blankets, outdoor heaters and more; accessories that allow you to enjoy the garden, whatever the weather or season.

Comfy does it

Soft furnishings are a must if you are to spend more than a few hours enjoying your garden. Whether you have fitted cushions for rattan furniture or have a number of throw cushions for a bench, finish off with a couple of throws so you are ready to bring in the fresher British summer nights. What better way to finish an evening than stepping out into your garden and enjoy a comfortable place to sit as you take in the day.

When the sun goes down

Garden lights can extend our time spent outside infinitely by giving us the ability to carry on with what we are doing once the sun goes in. Solar paneled lighting is a great sustainable solution that provides soft light for many hours. Candles can give a wonderful ambience, citronella ones also keep any pesky bugs away.


Plants are a wonderful way of adding colour to your landscape. Not only that, but it will enlighten your garden with insects and wildlife. Make sure there are plants inside your home too. Soften the harsh edges of your conservatory or bi-folding doors by introducing house plants. Many thrive in warmer locations which adds variety and textures to your home. Choosing plants such as a spider plant or a weeping fig can help purify the air inside your home.

A bowl of fruits in salad
Mix up your salads with fresh in-season fruits and herbs

A feast for the eyes

There are so many foods to enjoy during the summer months. Now is the time to be adventurous! We live in a time where fabulous inspiration is a tap away on social media and beyond. Many flavoursome dishes can be created to suit all food needs, whether there are intolerances or beliefs involved, you can satisfy every guest.

Here are some of our favourite discoveries:

Lobster rolls

The epitome of summer. Fresh shellfish cooked with lemon and garlic flaked and served in griddled brioche sub rolls. Perfectly cooked lobster is pure joy. But if you are not a shellfish lover, this recipe works just as well with a beautiful light white fish such as cod or a white bass. A quick summery meal, with minimal effort and great tasting results!

Fruits in salads

Salads should not be bland, bitter bowls of green leaves. Summer fruits are the perfect assets to any bowl. peaches and feta or strawberries and basil. experiment and see what textures and flavours you can add to enhance your dishes. They may just be so good you will serve them as your main event!


Drinks should never be forgotten about and they do not have to be alcoholic either for them to be a thirst quencher with great aromas and freshness. Instagram is full of great influences and recipes to help create your one of a kind concoctions. Check out our latest blog for some fresh inspiration to shake up your

weekend drinks: See our mocktail blog here

Your garden and home united

For many people, it is hard to re-imagine your outdoor space. We often think as Brits that we only get a ‘few weeks of summer’ a year. It is all about creating a space that can be used more often. Keep warm with blankets, get in the shade with canopies. Whether you would like to enjoy a lunch of Camembert and an elderflower spritz or see your date night under the stars with steak and red wine. Combining your home with your outdoor living space should work for you. You may just find you have found your new favourite spot!