Technology has made our homes more efficient and convenient than ever before, but it has also made them noisier. Our daily lives are accompanied by the sounds of TVs, traffic, ringing phones, and working appliances. Fortunately, Poppy Szkiler is trying to do something about it. Poppy co-founded Quiet Mark 12 years ago with the goal of creating a certification program that identifies the quietest appliances and technology products on the market. As a result, consumers are informed about the noise levels of their tech before they buy.

We spoke to Poppy about the impact of noise on our lives, what Quiet Mark is doing to address it, and how manufacturers such as Siemens are contributing.
Noise can effect a person's wellbeing

What effect does noise have on a person’s wellbeing?

The impact of noise is more significant than you might initially think. This is because our reaction to noise goes back to our ancestors’ instincts as hunters, reacting quickly to a sudden sound could be the difference between survival and death. Sound triggers the release of cortisol and adrenaline in the body, enabling quick action to protect ourselves against potential danger.

Fast forward to today, and we are surrounded by layers upon layers of noise. All of this noise causes our bodies to release cortisol, creating adrenaline, which puts pressure on the heart to cope. As a result, our bodies become stressed. Over time, this stress can cause headaches, difficulty concentrating or sleeping, and changes to our mood. Despite these potentially extreme reactions, the impact of sound is often ignored and misunderstood because it is invisible. This makes it even more of a threat to our well-being.

Pouring detergent into a Siemens washing machine

How did Quiet Mark come about?

Noise campaigning is in my blood! My grandfather founded the Noise Abatement Society in 1959, which is still raising awareness of the impact of noise today. My mother now runs the charity and is the co-founder of Quiet Mark, which we established 12 years ago to support the Society’s work and offer accessible solutions to the problem of excessive noise.

Quiet Mark was conceived as a global hub where consumers, trade buyers and architects can go to find verified third-party-checked quiet machines, equipment and technology. We have acoustic teams and a UK headquarters with labs where we test some products, and work with specialist labs worldwide to test others. Our testing covers a wide range of products, including not just home appliances but also forklift trucks, computer mice, and noise-cancelling headphones.

Measuring sound is a complex process that involves more than just decibel levels. It also takes into account the quality of the sound. The Quiet Mark is the result of a lot of hard work, but we’ve made it simple for consumers to have confidence in their ability to source the quietest products on the market.

Lifestyle enjoying their peaceful and quiet home

How do noisy appliances affect our homes?

It’s not just one noise that affects the peace and quiet of your home. If you have multiple appliances running at once, you’re likely to hear a variety of beeps, bleeps, and sudden noises, and these can all add up. This can be particularly problematic if your office is also your kitchen table, or if you or someone in your household has hearing sensitivities or autism. By reducing the overall number of decibels in your home, you can also reduce anxiety levels and create a more peaceful space for everyone.

Fortunately, when shopping for new appliances, you can now choose models that have been identified as the quietest. We understand that people don’t have the time to compare decibel levels for every purchase, which is why Quiet Mark maintains a comprehensive database of the quietest models on the market. We also work closely with retailers to ensure they have quiet models available, as well as with manufacturers like Siemens, for whom we list a range of appliances that are designed to be as quiet as possible. This includes tumble dryers that won’t sound like a train coming through your kitchen!

Siemens free-standing coffee machine

Are quiet appliances necessarily more expensive?

When Quiet Mark was first established, the quietest models were also the most expensive. However, this is no longer the case as brands are now integrating technologies that were once exclusive to premium appliances into more affordable products. This means that it is now possible to purchase an entry-level model that is also quiet. Quiet Mark offers options ranging from £300 to £2000.

Which appliances are the biggest culprits when it comes to noise?

In late 2021 and early 2022, we conducted surveys to determine how people in the UK and the US feel about noise in the post-pandemic world. Our findings indicate that over four fifths of Brits, regardless of age group or region, would prefer to have quieter home appliances. The surveys also revealed that larger appliances, such as washing machines and dishwashers, were the biggest culprits of noise. Vacuum cleaners and juicers were also noted as sources of noise.

Lifestyle enjoying their peaceful and quiet home

Is noise a consideration when people are buying appliances?

Our research shows that over two thirds of UK consumers are more likely to purchase an appliance labelled as “quiet” compared to a similar product with no reference to noise levels. Furthermore, people are generally willing to pay more for quieter appliances. This trend is reflected in customer reviews, where many products receive high ratings specifically because they are quiet.

How does Quiet Mark accreditation work?

To compile our list of approved appliances, we search through all the new ranges of large appliances worldwide and create databases of their energy labels. By law, every brand must undertake sound testing to certain ISO standards and declare this level. For washing machines, for example, this pertains to the levels for the spin and wash cycles. Although it’s not possible for us to test every appliance, we do conduct spot checks. We then determine the very quietest 10 to 20% in each appliance category. A brand cannot buy a Quiet Mark; it is only awarded if its appliances meet these criteria. Siemens began its partnership with us in January 2023 and currently offers over 80 large appliances with Quiet Mark status.

Programme on a Siemens washing machine

What is the ultimate goal for Quiet Mark?

We change our noise criteria for Quiet Mark each year to maintain pressure on manufacturers to keep improving, and to ensure that our levels remain within the boundaries of what’s technologically possible. The criteria differs depending on the type of product and its installation method. For example, an integrated appliance might have different criteria than a freestanding one because it is typically hidden behind a door.

Our goal isn’t to make brands jump through hoops; we want more appliances to achieve Quiet Mark status. As a result, manufacturers will realise that they have a responsibility to their customers to consider their aural health, stress levels, and mental health issues related to sound. Eventually, it should be standard for every dishwasher, for example, to operate under a certain decibel level and offer sound quality that is carefully considered during the research and design stage. That’s our ultimate goal.

Discover more about Siemens home appliances with Quiet Mark accreditation at