‘Diet’ for many, can be the ultimate test of patience and hugely challenging, leading to surrenders and failures. As a society we have banished many fad diets and look for other solutions to fulfil our needs for a fitter and healthier life. In many circumstances it has led to brands casting out the word ‘diet’ for more meaningful phrases such as ‘lifestyle change’.

Looking after our well-being has become paramount in recent years and this will continue to grow for many years to come. As human beings, it has always been important to look good, but as this trend moves deeper into society, our need to feel mentally and emotionally invested is considered to play a key role.

Personalisation and convenience are some of the top priorities for consumers before buying into these ideologies. Our demand to want to know more about ourselves is ever increasing and it is laying the foundations for some truly remarkable innovative tech.

Technology is paving the way for an experience that has never been seen before. Society is using the advances of technology to stay connected and to ease the pressures of these lifestyle changes.

At-home DNA kits are becoming a mainstream way of creating personalised results to revolutionise our wellness. From diets, to skincare and beyond, these products give consumers the reassurance that they are specific to their needs.

The saying that ‘everybody is different’ is almost the overarching motto for many of these brands. The importance for consumers to understand that genetic differences have an impact on what we should consume.

From diet types, vitamin needs, intolerances and more, these personalised services allow consumers to feel more in-tune with their bodies than ever before. Taking us back to the importance of investing in our well-being. Jozef Youssef of Kitchen Theory has written an article detailing the benefits of a personalised diet, click here to find out more.

As mentioned above, personalisation has become a major benefit that we are seeing as technology becomes smarter and more intuitive within our daily lives.

Already our homes are being adjusted with the likes of voice recognition to play our favourite songs, to give us our own personal updates of the day and so on. As technology embeds itself into our daily routines, we ask how it can be integrated into our eating habits.

Numerous apps over the years have been helping us count calories, see what we have eaten and to track the exercise we have done. We also see technology integrating into our home appliances, creating events that get consumers excited about healthy food and to keep on top of a healthier lifestyle.

There is a constant drive that has technology working harder to give us the results we are looking for. We, as human beings, are fascinated by statistics, and as technology and artificial intelligence grows, this data will become more sophisticated.

With app integration and easy ways of following guidance, convenience sees consumers looking forward to these lifestyle changes and being able to take these results.

Many apps allow consumers to face these results in different ways. Whether convenience driven, being told what to eat and when, or a more holistic approach that allows the consumer to explore food. The second benefit for many, is a favourable outcome. It opens the doors to an enjoyable part of the process, that allows consumers to find out first-hand what it takes to improve their lifestyle.

Technology is the perfect place to explore food. Siemens recipeWorld, which is supported through the Home Connect app, has plenty of healthy recipes to help inspire and motivate you to carry on cooking healthily. On top of that, it seamlessly sends the details straight to your oven, so you are safe in the knowledge it will be cooked to perfection every time.

As intelligence continues to become more sophisticated in response to consumers’ growing demand to improve their lives through technology, greater awareness of the environmental impact around us has led to a surge in demand for sustainable products.

As we recognise the strain we are putting on our planet, we look for brands that hold these core values highly, which leads us to placing less stress on our bodies as we make these better choices.

There has been a rise in recent years of other apps aside from food based ones, that help our bodies in other ways. From apps that help us to gain restful sleep, to meditation apps that awaken our inner spirits. It is about finding a happy medium that helps you personally. Which takes it back to finding experiences that are tailored to you.

To explore how Siemens connected appliances can support you with your personalised lifestyle goals click here.