Start the search by typing in the model number (E-Nr.) of your appliance.
This data is needed to identify your appliance so that the database can show you the correct information. The E-Nr. is shown on the type plate of your appliance. It consists of two letters at the beginning followed by a mix of numbers and letters. Siemens model numbers will always start with two letters and will always end by a “/” and two numbers as the last two signs.
For mobile phone users: Take a picture of your type plate
If you are using your mobile phone you can click on the

Siemens Online Assistant – start with the model-number (E-Nr.) of your appliance
ID your Siemens appliance.
The model Number (E-Nr) is shown on the type plate of your appliance. On the right side you can see the type plate and the positions of the E-Nr. If you don’t know where to find the type plate on or in your appliance please check the appliance identification help on this page.